Why you should visit the OneStrand Stand at the 2018 S1000D User Forum!

It’s down to 14 days until the 2018 S1000D User Forum commences in New Orleans and Team OneStrand are fine-tuning everything in preparation.

If you are looking to upgrade your content and make it compliant to ATA 1000BR V4.1 or v4.2, our First Responders will be able to assist you:

  • Convert your legacy version of S1000D to Issue 4.1 or 4.2;
  • Update your content to reference the ATA 1000BR BREX;
  • Validate your upgraded data against the ATA 1000BR BREX;
  • Generate an ATA 1000BR data delivery;
  • Generate an ATA 1000BR CMP.

We can demonstrate live how this can be achieved easily and without any of the pain you may have been told that you will be faced with.

Don’t forget to grab a OneStrand giveaway while you are at the stand, available in:

  • OneStrand blue,
  • Beaded for New Orleans and
  • Offers S1000D pain relief.

You will find Tammy, Melissa and Reeta at Stand 15!

First Responder Team
OneStrand Inc.