Explore our extensive collection of webinars below. Don’t forget to check out our ‘how-to’ content on our website and even more valuable resources on our YouTube channel.
GenS Series, Part 4: GenS Client (Core Features)
Learn how the GenS client is tailored to work for you, and the ease with which you can personalise the workspace while accessing the built-in functions in GenS. Presenter: James St George
GenS Series, Part 5: Structure (Configuration) Manager
Learn how easy building a structure in GenS is, along with applying variants and alternate parts. Presenter: James St George
Pennant R4i Writer v3.1 Demonstration
As we continue to celebrate the release of Pennant R4i v10 Series, join us for a demonstration of R4i Writer v3.1. During this webinar session, Pennant's Reeta Nye and Tammy Halter showcase some of the new features now available within the latest version of R4i...
Pennant R4i V10 Series – Sneak Peek!
To celebrate the release of Pennant R4i v10 Series, join us for a sneak peek demonstration. During this webinar session, Pennant's Reeta Nye and Tammy Halter showcase some of the time-saving features now available. Presenter: Reeta Nye & Tammy...
Introducing GenS – Part 1 of 3 Part Series
As easy as spreadsheets but more robust, integrated and flexible - GenS, the OmegaPS Client with more thana face lift! Change the way you work, with new design controls in Structure Manager and data entry control enabled by GenS Element Manager (GEM)....
GenS Cross Standards Converter – Part 2 of 3 Part Series!
From a Cross Standard LSA Conversion of 00-60 to 0007 Issue C data in GenS to S1000D within the R4i CSDB. Take the 0007 data ad output in R4i Viewer (IETPs on Windows). Ground-breaking software to take product support to a whole new level! Pennant's next generation...
R4i CDMS and R4i MobieTP PLUS for iOS – Final of 3 Part GenS Series!
Is it time to move from PDF to a fully digital technical publication environment? Learn how to maintain control of the distribution process in the advanced IETP world - R4i CDMS and R4i MobieTP PLUS for iOS. Presenter: James St George
What is Analyzer?
A review of the integrated supportability model within the OmegaPS Suite. This session presents the integrated data model; xml LPD/LSAR data transfers; core models of Sparing, LORA and LCC; and the analytical techniques to assess support solutions. Presenter:...
Showcasing NEW Features within Analyzer R6 Release
To celebrate the latest release of Analyzer R6, Pennant's Graham Brum and James St George provide an informative webinar session to learn more about the benefits associated with utilizing Analyzer R6. Moving us to a new level of functionality, Analyzer R6 builds on...
From its inception in 1973 and despite many attempts to improve worldwide specifications and standards, the ILS discipline has not attracted positive publicity. Lack of true integration, unwillingness to effectively tailor programs and a general lack of application...
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