Regional Development Australia (RDA) visit Pennant & ASP

Today, Pennant and Aviation Skills Partnership are pleased to be hosting Trevor John from the Regional Development Australia (RDA) – Hunter, AU at the International Aviation Academy – Norwich (IAA-N).

An exciting visit, following the launch of the parentship for ‘International Aerospace Skills Development’ in the Hunter Valley, NSW region between Pennant and RDA back in November. Trevor is meeting with Pennant’s CEO Phil Walker and team in the UK, to explore sharing best practice between the Aviation Skills Charter (which covers five key areas to promote future careers and skill development within the aviation industry and current work force) and RDAs STEM workforce development programmes with the intent to collaborate further.

The IAA-N boasts an opportune setting for discussions around future careers and trainings with multiple events and teaching programmes happening within its walls to inspire young students in the industry.

We look forward to seeing the Charter and RDAs STEM programmes enhance the Hunter region student’s current training programmes with increased hands-on training and contextualised learning.