Introducing R4i DCAM Webinar – REGISTER NOW!

R4i DCAM Sign up v1

Pennant is excited to announce the upcoming release of R4i DCAM (Data Capture, Analysis and Management).

Join Director of Technology & Innovation – Tammy Halter, and IPS Software Support Manager – Reeta Nye, for a live webinar and sneak peek of R4i DCAM, the latest addition to the powerful R4i S1000D Product Suite.

R4i DCAM (Data Capture, Analysis and Management) Server is designed to capture the use of R4i software, combined with the S1000D / ATA technical content to obtain analytics for Management and Engineering Teams. How the user interacts with the content and software is captured and fed back to the DCAM Server console. The console report provides data that can be analysed, with measurement around accuracy and performance, and technical content updated for continuous improvement.

Plus, you will join our live Q&A session. This webinar and sneak peek of R4i DCAM is an opportunity not to be missed! Click below to register and reserve your seat today!

PLEASE NOTE: We have scheduled two sessions to accommodate various time zones. 

Monday 11th December, 2023                                                 Tuesday 12th December, 2023
UK: 9:00pm (GMT)                                                                          AUS: 5:00pm (AEST)
USA: 1:00pm (PST)                                                                         UK: 7:00am (GMT)
Canada: 4:00pm (EST)                                                                   EURO: 8:00am (CET)
AUS: 7:00am (AEST) Tues 12th Dec                                           India: 12:30pm (IST)

Register image                                                               Register image