GenS changing the game in Systems Support

GenS Data Element Management header

One of our Integrated Product Support experts, Mike Petik, frequently supports our customers and industry partners to build and format their database requirements, depending on the industry standard they are working in.

Before our latest technology, the process would involve a Microsoft (MS) Access Database, containing the 13882B standard, which involved selecting, tailoring, and styling manually. These results would be exported as reports and sent to various stakeholders within Logistic Support Analysis Records (LSAR) working groups. Changes would be recorded and data elements within the database would be implemented.  Eventually this back-and-forth process would result in a final output for the contract.

A specific example was to support defining data requirements into a 0007B standard. The requirements database was developed to contain various extra fields to capture project phases, tailoring and guidance. The initial build of requirements was circa 3 months.  The selection and tailoring took circa 5 days each time an iteration was executed. As well as additional tweaks to tailor by product, as we know equipment and support varies. Excel outputs by individual products would be utilised to determine data input for the LSAR, and of course assessing the deliverable from Project perspective.

Fast Forward to GenS.

GenS Element Manager (GEM) can record all data element requirements for any standard supported by GenS.

  1. It starts with the complete list of data elements, their attributes, and definitions. GEM provides rigor for element selection as it determines the hierarchy to ensure the mandatory elements are selected.
  2. Selections are then saved to the database and can be saved to a local file. This local file can be moved to another client where they can adopt the requirement by simply uploading the local file.
  3. Users can create multiple configurations against multiple standards mapped to multiple projects with the same database. Multiple requirement configurations can be built within the Element Manager and mapped to various projects grouping like systems together.
  4. When a practitioner is working through a product build, only the elements that are part of the assigned GEM configuration are present. Also, the definition, Guidance and Direction are readily available prior to data input.

Pre-GenS, Mike built requirements for many projects. Recently though, Mike created the requirements configuration for one of our clients on behalf of their customer. He spent 2 days with the customer in which he created the Local Config File and Artifacts and then sent it to our client.

Mike concluded that using GenS as a replacement for alternative software can reduce 2-3 months’ worth of work into a day or two.

Timesaving and cost-effective features within GenS – It streamlines data element management, making it faster and more efficient compared to the manual approach, reducing time, improving efficiency and consistency, with easy adoption.

For the untrained with IPS/PSA, it may take more time to fully grasp the standards that are being called up.  

Like the sound of these benefits? Email our team today, [email protected]