Day of Remembrance – Anzac Day!

This week Australians commemorate ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) Day –

For me personally ANZAC Day is reflection on not only my term served in the Royal Australian Navy, but also my husband’s, my brothers (we served as a Tri-Service family), my father, uncles, and from the UK my Grandfathers and Great-Grandfathers on both my Grandmother and Grandfathers side.  Although everyone around me has served across several generations, it was not until my son applied to join the Australian Army that I looked closely at my family’s military heritage and that we had in fact come from a long line of serving men, and we can now say women.  The stand-out service across four generations has definitely been the Army, and recently listening to one of my Aunt’s tell the story of my Mothers Grand-father who was shot in WW1 and survived, are the types of stories that truly make us reflect on what ANZAC Day is about.

If we talk to the average Australian, including those who have served, you will find ANZAC Day is a reflection on what we have been through during our service. It is about family and their support to those that have served, and it is about a nation coming together not to celebrate war, but to celebrate military service and sacrifice at home and abroad.

For me personally I have always fought as part of a team, no matter my gender, heritage or even my horizontally impaired height of being 160cm or 5ft, 3 inches… I am not sure whether it was growing up with two big brothers or my competitive nature, but I have never liked sitting on the sidelines.  I have to be in it 100%!

The Navy taught me the importance of being part of a bigger team, working together towards a common goal and with all hands on deck.  This is part of who I was in the military and is still very much a part of me and how I have run my business for the last twenty (20) years.

Wednesday the 25th of April 2018, we will all stand united in silence for the ANZAC’s – Lest we forget!


Tammy Halter
CEO – Absolute Data Group Pty Ltd