On behalf of the Pennant Marketing team, we are excited to announce that Pennant has a new look! In the upcoming days and weeks, you will begin to see the old logo fade out and the new logo taking centre stage. Stay tuned for more exciting updates that includes latest...
Bob meets Hana!
Bob swung his black AMG 63s into his office carpark, pausing to hear that V8 Twin Turbo soundtrack for a few more seconds before turning off the engine. That sound always makes me happy, he chuckled. With three days till Christmas, his team was preparing their final...
Bob’s No Turkey!
Bod had a spring in his step as he locked his office and headed to his car. He was looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday. “I love a good Turkey Day,” chuckled Bob. It’s been a big year for the Tech Pub’s Manager. The new project is in full swing and early...