Pennant Information Services Limited is pleased to announce it has been awarded an enabling contract by Network Rail to provide Services covering the following disciplines: Training, Multimedia, Animation, Graphic Design, E-Learning and Technical Documentation.
The aim of the contract is to provide a mechanism for Network Rail to commission work across its business where the requirement encompasses the services listed, to date products have been delivered that include;
- A set of DVD’s for track engineers and maintenance staff with the required technical information to carry out tasks associated with major civil engineering projects. Describing the engineering processes associated with the upgrade of the line of route for the WCML. Ensuring that maintenance staff understand all the critical safety issues and carry out work compliant with Rail Group Standards.
The DVD’s provide an accurate emulation of these processes, allowing maintenance staff to learn the skills relevant to their job roles, and to provide management with an understanding of the tasks.
- A number of modules to emulate Signalling scenarios for competency testing with interactive assessments.
- Web deliverable multimedia projects used for briefing senior management and internal staff of accidents and incidents on the rail network, these include an animated reconstruction of the incident, with voice over, they explain the incident, address the initial findings and explain key messages. This has proved a successful approach for quick communication to thousands of staff in a safety critical industry sector.
Pennant Information Services Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pennant International Group plc, based in Cheltenham, England and is listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange.