How many clicks does it take to deliver a functional IETP? This is a persistent question for anyone preparing to purchase new software to support their customers’ changing requirements.
A friend of mine, Bob, has had the opportunity to use many different solutions over the years and he knows that the fewer times he has to click to get to the output, the better. As soon as his search for new software began he realized that everyone has a solution!
Bob compared the different software solutions, counting minutes to truly understand the level of effort it would take to install software, train his team, and produce and deliver a final IETP. He also based his assessment on basic lean principles of understanding waste, and included his personal knowledge of all of the software options available. He realized that the waiting time his team was experiencing to publish an IETP was extensive. Therefore, in order for Bob to avoid an uncomfortable conversation with his executive team about the high cost of his team waiting for software to process their work, his decision was clear.
Bob’s decision to choose OneStrand’s turnkey R4i Solutions gained him the confidence of his executive team. Knowing that OneStrand’s experienced team is always available to support their best interest, he no longer has to be concerned about stressful conversations with management. Feedback from Bob and other customers allows OneStrand to continue enhancing R4i products to support their evolving requirements in order to continue delivering seamless, usable, and affordable solutions.
Our customers’ challenges become OneStrand enhancements!
Melissa Pennline
Business Development Manager
OneStrand LLC