Part 2 Live Demonstration: OneStrand AIR – Your Hosted S1000D Publishing Suite

As a continuation to the Part 1 recording released last Thursday, Part 2 of Tammy’s Presentation at the S1000D User Forum 2016 contains the live demonstration where Tammy connects to the OneStrand AIR Server in New York from the Hotel in Spain.

The following OneStrand AIR components demonstrated are:

  • R4i CSDB – Global oversite of projects, folders and data, including instant view of what graphics, data modules and publication modules are referenced from or to any data module
  • R4i CSDB – Fast task assignment and management, including drag and drop of sets of files to users tasks
  • R4i Writer – The authors window to the CSDB for fast file access and S1000D authoring
  • R4i CSDB (Media Generator) – How to quickly generate customised IETP’s
  • R4i Viewer – Reviewing the IETP generated live