The Benefits of Working with the ASD S1000D Specification – A Two Part Blog (Part 1 of 2)

The use of S1000D for projects has a variety of benefits across various areas of the business. Each projects realization of benefits will depend on the project itself, its implementation strategy, and technology available to the project team.

Area’s that you can expect to see some benefits are in:

  1. Data Planning and Management,
  2. Authoring and
  3. Delivery

This first of a two part blog post, will cover the benefits that can be seen in Data Planning and Management (1) and Authoring (2):

1.   Data Planning and Management benefits

  • S1000D is Based on the International standard ISO 8879 (SGML/XML content)
  • A Data Dictionary is freely available in the specification
  • Interoperability at a data level, through use of the “accepted industry” S1000D schemas
  • Smaller chunks of information (data modules), allows data to be exchanged and re-used more easily
  • Due to smaller chunks of information, Common Information can be identified
  • The data module sized objects allow for the focus to be on content, as opposed to the focus being on a more traditional paper delivery
  • Data integration with other systems and business unit, allows an increase in data integrity and the generation of more consistent documentation
  • Logistics Support Analysis Requirements (LSAR) data can be linked to data to enhance an integrated data environment
  • The specification permits the addition of extra documentation features such as Link mechanisms, allowing the project team to decide what level of end user experience is required

2.   Authoring Benefits

  • The S1000D Specification offers implementation guidance to ease set up and assist with project decisions.
  • Due to the data modules being so modular, content object can be re-used across the publications by up to 40%
  • Reduction in update costs by 30%, due to data module content re-use
  • Focus for authors is on the content not page layout or formatting, therefore authoring time is reduced
  • Module Uniqueness (Task /Description) allows for task orientated definition
  • Due to multiple vendors supporting the specification, there are several compliant Authoring tools available on the market
  • Multiple vendors support standard toolkits, S1000D features and style packs out of the box, allowing reduced setup costs
  • When utilizing an S1000D compliant CSDB, authors have an easy roll-back to previous versions of content
  • When authoring is integrated into an S1000D compliant CSDB, authors have easy look-up and insertion or reference to other Data Modules, images and common information items such as Warning and Cautions.

The second part of this two part blog series, will discuss Delivery benefits of working with S1000D.

See you next week!

Tammy Halter