Heard of CMP’s, CAWG or ATA Spec 1000BR? Don’t panic we have you covered!

Over the last twelve months, more and more Air Manufacturing suppliers have been scrambling to give an update on when they can comply to these acronyms.  Consider this your cheat sheet to what it all means and where you can obtain more information and assistance!

The Acronyms:

  • ATA Spec 1000BR – The Business Rules guidance document for how to deliver ATA compliant S1000D content to your airframe manufacturer.
  • CMPComponent Maintenance Publication, which you may have fondly known as a Component Maintenance Manual (CMM), when you delivered content to the ATA iSpec 2200.
  • CAWG – the Civil Aviation Working Group. This is the team who have worked through v4.1 and v4.2 of the S1000D Specification and documented for industry:
  1. What Business Rules should be applied, to ensure a valid S1000D data delivery to your airframe manufacturer.
  2. They also took the time to supply a detailed CMP style guide for how that data should look when delivered as a PDF.

The CAWG released an ATA 1000DBR Spec to v4.1 and v4.2 of S1000D.  Available for purchase from the following airlines.org link, or if you are a member of ATA you can access these specifications for free.

Still feeling a little overwhelmed, or want to find out more before you purchase the specification or promise you can make a delivery?  Check out the following recordings/video’s:

  • Read a more detailed overview on the ATA 1000BR specification here.

For a 45 minute discussion about everything important in the ATA 1000BR (Business Rules), request to view a copy of the Webinar session the OneStrand team ran last year.

  • To see how R4i Binder generates a PDF for your Component Maintenance Publication (CMP) to the CAWG specification in just a few clicks, in this three-minute video.

If you prefer to not invest in new software to deliver to the 1000BR requirements, take a look at the OneStrand AIR hosted S1000D delivery capability.

Otherwise connect with the friendly ADG Australia and OneStrand US Teams to discuss how we can provide this delivery as service.

Tammy Halter
Chief Executive Officer
Absolute Data Group Pty Ltd