Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

We aim to deliver gradual but continuous improvements in our ESG performance every year.

At Pennant we believe that a commitment to the principles of ESG not only makes good business sense for us and our key stakeholders, but also complements our business strategy.


In continually developing our strategy, we aim to deliver gradual but continuous improvements in our ESG performance every year. Our framework is a live document we plan to review and update regularly.
ESG Framework banner


We recognise the need to minimise our environmental impacts and take great pride in the measures and solutions we take to support our environment and tackle climate change. Pennant remains committed to our sustainability work and understands it is essential to protect the planet.
In our framework you can read about how we are doing this through our product, suppliers, electric vehicles, light and water.


We aim to deepen relationships with our key stakeholders by investing in our employees and partnering with our customers, communities, investors and suppliers. We focus on creating the right workplace culture in which employees feel valued, respected, empowered, and inspired. The Group is committed to creating a positive impact in the global communities and the regions we operate. We recognise the significance of enhancing these communities, fostering local connections, and striving to make them better places for all.
In our framework you can read about talent development, benefit and wellness, community involvement and more.


Not only is it legislation but we have a high set of standards we expect all our colleagues to work to when trading responsibly and enforcing good practice. Through a number of Group policies we are addressing: Economic Inequality, Cyber Security, Human Rights & Modern Slavery Acts, as well as Suppliers and Responsible Trading.
In our framework read about Section 172, our commitment and the Board.

Read about the Pennant team volunteering at FORaMEAL in Melbourne, Australia.