50 days to go… GenS 3.0

GenS 3 50 days countdown 1

We are counting down… 50 days to go!

GenS 3.0, Pennant’s future generation software, is ready for launch on the 30th of April.

The new release includes multiple new features and capabilities, such as:

  • Generate Logistics Product Data Summaries from TA-HB-0007-1
  • Light and dark theme settings
  • Create data tailoring, custom views, custom workflows, user groups and projects
  • Reliability centered maintenance module for building logic trees and performing analysis
  • Export information via standard formats and the enhanced GenS Interchange format
  • Conversion of logistics support analysis information between Logistics Product Data (LPD) standards
  • Customisable views – pick and choose fields for your user interface

You can see all this and more in our upcoming webinar series – dates soon to be announced.

Read more about GenS here, or contact our team of experts at [email protected].