R4i V11 Release: Part 1: Version 11 changes

R4i V11 Release: Part 1: Version 11 changes

Presenter, Reeta Nye focuses on all the R4i v11 changes, the support schedule for the outgoing R4i v10 release, and details of SQL database support moving forward. The upcoming release of the ATA Modules in R4i v11 suite is discussed, in preparation for the public...
R4i V11 Release: Part 1: Version 11 changes

R4i V11 Release: Part 2: Internal Release

Presenter, Reeta Nye focuses on the new Internal Release status in the CSDB and the capability to utilise the new +NOTE feature in ReViewer and R4i Writer as part of the internal review process with both S1000D and ATA content.  Presenter: Reeta...
R4i V11 Release: Part 1: Version 11 changes

R4i V11 Release: Part 3: Temporary Revision

Presenter, Reeta Nye focuses on the new and easy to use Temporary Revision (TR) capability, available to content in both ATA and S1000D Data Module formats. With the click of a button, the TRs are also published and managed out in IETP deliveries.  Presenter: Reeta...